This is a thread I decided to make for any new anons and old anons with new ideas about how to keep it safe.
The CoS is now very aware of what's going on. They tried to brush us off for the first two protests but now they're shitting their pants in fear. They're going to try to find out who we are, and we don't want to let them know.
So - safety ideas. Obviously, if you can bring an anon you know and trust, do it. Safety in numbers.
Cover up as much hair and face as you can.
Don't wear anything extremely distinctive. This includes odd T-shirts, cell phone covers, hats, or even cigarettes (if you smoke like I do). Make yourself Anonymous in appearance as well as name.
If you have to drive in, see about parking relatively far away from where we're gonna meet, depending on how much hiking you feel like doing. It's a Saturday so parking in downtown Reno is free all day. There are a shit load of parking garages in Reno so there's no reason to not having parking, although you really do only want to use the parking garages if you have a buddy.
Bring a camera, and try to make it a camera that isn't your phone (which is distinctive).
If you want to you can bring clothes to change into afterward.
If you are being tailed, head to the police station stat. Luckily there's one within a half a mile of where we're going to be protesting. Better to seem completely crazy to the cops than have a bunch of Scilons following you. If someone knows any Reno PD that could possibly keep an eye out at the protest for things like that it would be awesome - I have police connections, but only with the Carson cops.
And as far as general safety goes, I'll have a first aid kit because I'm weird like that, and everyone should bring at least one bottle of water or buy one at the Walgreens when we get there (be aware that if you enter Walgreens you will have to take your mask off - stores don't like it when masked people come in for occasions other than Halloween). I also suggest either eating prior to the protest or bringing a lunch (or money for pizza!).
Any other tips can be put here. I'll be directing people to this board if they ask about the local protest, so this is for newbs as much as it is for those of us who have been there for a while.